Unlimited climbing for only £70 per month!
and get 2 free entries a month for friends who haven’t climbed here before!*
Sign up online, recurring monthly payment, cancel anytime. Payment will be taken on the 1st of each month. The first payment will be an amount prorated based on the number of days left in that month and taken when you sign up.
*it must be their first visit here.
If they are not experienced you may supervise them, but we highly recommend they book onto our Boulder Safety course first.
Quick Overview
Monthly recurring payment will be taken on the 1st of each month
First payment will be an amount prorated based on the number of days left in that month.
First prorata payment will be taken on the day sign up, from then payment taken on 1st of each month.
Cancellation terms
Notice given by email 2 weeks (14 days) before payment date. If past this date, the next payment will be taken and membership will cease at the end of the following month.
Contract period is minimum 1 month.
Contract rolls on monthly unless the member cancels
Full Terms & Conditions
The Member is entitled to use all the facilities of the Boardroom Climbing Wimbledon for the period stated, provided they are not in arrears in respect of any instalment due to the Company or in breach of any of the other conditions herein.
1. All terms and conditions of this Membership Agreement apply equally to all persons on the Membership Agreement, including guests as if those persons were the Member. Membership is non-transferable.
2. Normal opening hours are 8am to 8pm weekends and 6.30am to 10pm weekdays. Any changes to this will be on the website and social media pages.
3. Unless the Member, 2 weeks (14 days) before the end of the month, gives the Company written registered notice terminating, then the same member agrees that Membership shall automatically continue on a rolling month-by-month basis.
3.1. Payments by instalments are due regardless of Centre usage. In the event of a payment default, entrance to the Centre and the use of the Centre facilities will go back to the normal daily entry cost.
3.2. The minimum contact term is 1 month.
3.3. Cancellation is by written registered notice 2 weeks (14 days) before the end of the month.
3.4. Billing is on the 1st of the month, with the first payment being an amount prorated based on the number of days left in the month you sign up.
3.5. If a membership is cancelled, it will be valid until the end of the month it is cancelled in.
4. Membership can be terminated by the Management for violation of any rule or regulation of The Boardroom as stated or advised from time to time or for conduct reasonably deemed by the Company to be detrimental to the welfare, good order or character of The Boardroom and its Members. The Centre shall have the right to retain the money paid by the Member to cover past use and any reasonable costs it has incurred as a result of termination.
5. Over the course of a contract prices may rise. In the case of any price rise the Member will be notified by email. The email address provided by the member on registration will be used for this purpose. The only exception to this is if a member turns 18 during their membership, the price will rise on the
following month.
6. Facilities
6.1. The Company reserves the right to alter, change, add to, reduce or cease various Centre facilities and to utilise the Centre facilities for special events, private parties, seminar, competitions or other activities it may deem desirable.
6.2. Non-exercise facilities requiring additional payments for use or service may not be available to members at all times or at all. The providers of these services set their own tariffs and trading terms.
7. The Company is not responsible for the loss of personal items or damage to personal property, either on the Centre premises or in the Centre parking areas unless caused by the neglect of the Centre or its staff.
8. It is the responsibility of the Member and/or the parents or guardians of children under 18 years of age to supervise their children whilst within The Boardroom.
9. Smoking within the Centre is prohibited.
10. By signature of this Membership Agreement the Member confirms that: They and all persons covered by this Membership Agreement:
10.1. Are physically and medically fit to proceed with the normal routines of exercise and that neither the Company nor the Centre will be responsible for any injury, accident or loss suffered by the Member or any other persons or guests covered by this Membership Agreement unless such injury, accident or loss is caused by the negligence of the Centre and/or its staff;
10.2. The Boardroom may withdraw use of all or part of each facility of the Centre due to the failure of services or for the purpose of undertaking maintenance work or any other work considered necessary. Compensation will not be given for such closures.
10.3. If through circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Company the Centre is unable to provide the full range of services and facilities as advertised the member shall remain liable for all membership fees.
11. In the event of major reconstruction of the Centre premises, every effort will be made by Management to eliminate any diminution of Centre services. Membership will not be suspended and Member’s co-operation in this respect is assumed.
12. The Member hereby agrees that they and all other persons or guests covered by this Membership Agreement shall use the facilities of the Centre entirely at their own risk and that neither the Company nor the Centre shall have any liability for any loss, injury or damage sustained to them or their property unless sustained due to negligent act or omission made by the Centre or its staff. The Member accepts full responsibility for their use and the use by all other persons/guests covered by this Membership Agreement of all facilities, appliances, privilege or services at their own risk and will not sue the Centre and the Company or their Shareholders and Directors, Officers, Employees, Representatives, Agents or Lessors for any loss, claim, injury, damage or liability sustained or incurred by any person or their property unless due to a negligent act or omission by the Centre.
Member – The Customer, named as ‘member’ on this contract
Boardroom Climbing – The company listed as The Boardroom Climbing Ltd
Centre – The facility, located at Centre Court Shopping Centre, Wimbledon, SW19 8YE
Company – The Boardroom Climbing Ltd Membership Agreement – This document
Should you need to update your contact or payment details at a later date, or cancel your membership, please use the button below…